Kalanchoe orgyalis

Branching succulent shrub with distinctive coppery-cinnamon leaves with a silvery underside. A remarkable looking foliage plant.

Position: Full sun or filtered light position.
Soil: Well drained soil.
Watering: Low water requirement once established.
Fertilising: We use and recommend controlled released fertiliser. Follow manufacturers instructions.
Use: Great feature plant for growing in containers individually or mixed together in combination plantings.
Grow tips: Protect from heavy frosts.

Kalanchoe orgyalis

Branching succulent shrub with distinctive coppery-cinnamon leaves with a silvery underside. A remarkable looking foliage plant.

Position: Full sun or filtered light position.
Soil: Well drained soil.
Watering: Low water requirement once established.
Fertilising: We use and recommend controlled released fertiliser. Follow manufacturers instructions.
Use: Great feature plant for growing in containers individually or mixed together in combination plantings.
Grow tips: Protect from heavy frosts.