Lomandra Lime Tuff {PBR}

Lomandra Lime Tuff is a compact selection of Lomandra longifolia x confertifolia spp. pallida; with fine lime green leaves that stay lush all year round. In summer fragrant small yellow flower spikes emerge. This plant is extremely hardy and tolerates frost and dry conditions.

Landscape & design uses: Ideal for mass plantings as an accent plant, container gardens, small space gardens and coastal gardens. Low water requirement once established.

Container gardening for patios, balconies and other outdoor living areas. With increased urbanisation and smaller space available, you can still have a garden, recreated in containers to fit a modern and busy lifestyle that has all the charm, beauty and enjoyment of a by-gone era.

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Easy to grow. Easy to enjoy.

Lomandra Lime Tuff {PBR}

Lomandra Lime Tuff is a compact selection of Lomandra longifolia x confertifolia spp. pallida; with fine lime green leaves that stay lush all year round. In summer fragrant small yellow flower spikes emerge. This plant is extremely hardy and tolerates frost and dry conditions.

Landscape & design uses: Ideal for mass plantings as an accent plant, container gardens, small space gardens and coastal gardens. Low water requirement once established.

Container gardening for patios, balconies and other outdoor living areas. With increased urbanisation and smaller space available, you can still have a garden, recreated in containers to fit a modern and busy lifestyle that has all the charm, beauty and enjoyment of a by-gone era.

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Every drop counts
Easy to grow. Easy to enjoy.