Rhipsalis pilocarpa

Rhipsalis pilocarpa cascades from hanging pots and baskets with narrow cylindrical dark green pendant stems covered with fine white hairs

Position: Grows best in a semi-shaded position. Can be grown indoors if given enough indirect light.
Soil: Well-drained soil.
Watering: Allow soil to partially dry out.
Fertilising: We use and recommend controlled released fertiliser. Follow manufactures instructions.
Use: Suitable for growing in baskets, pots and in mixed combinatin succulent plantings.
Grow tips: The stems are erect at first but become pendant as size increases.

Rhipsalis pilocarpa

Rhipsalis pilocarpa cascades from hanging pots and baskets with narrow cylindrical dark green pendant stems covered with fine white hairs

Position: Grows best in a semi-shaded position. Can be grown indoors if given enough indirect light.
Soil: Well-drained soil.
Watering: Allow soil to partially dry out.
Fertilising: We use and recommend controlled released fertiliser. Follow manufactures instructions.
Use: Suitable for growing in baskets, pots and in mixed combinatin succulent plantings.
Grow tips: The stems are erect at first but become pendant as size increases.